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Project Technical Officer/Freshwater Specialist
Emmanuel Okalang
Ministry of Water and Environment (Governmental institution)
Assistant researcher II
Kebebush Mulat
Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute (Research institute)
Key Statements
The ecosystems on which life itself is based – our food security, energy sustainability, public health, jobs, cities – are all at risk because of how water is managed today
adopted by the African Union - towards the “Africa we Want” by 2063
By 2063, Africa’s biodiversity, including its forests, wild life, wetlands (lakes and rivers), genetic resources, as well as aquatic life, most notably fish stocks and coastal and marine ecosystems, including trans-boundary natural resources will be fully conserved and used sustainably
Opening remark of COP24 in Katowice 2018
Climate change is running faster than we are and we must catch up sooner rather than later before it is too late - for many, people, regions even countries this is already a matter of life and death
Africa’s freshwater ecosystems and their biodiversity are especially threatened” is one of the key-messages of “The State of Biodiversity in Africa: A mid-term review of progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets
While signing a partnership agreement with the Green Climate Fund in 2017
If the fight against climate change is not won in Africa, it cannot be won anywhere else